The Student Board is a group of young adults committed to supporting The Youth Foundation of Jersey City, via fundraising, volunteering, outreach, and much more. Selected members will be networking with current and future business leaders in their community. They will gain hands-on experience planning, collaborating, and outreach while focusing on developing their personal leadership and networking skills.
Public speaking, group decision-making, gaining hands-on experience in planning fundraising, volunteering, outreach, developing leadership and networking skills, enhancing your resume through your Junior Board service and volunteerism .
1. Help with existing events such as our 2nd annual Holiday Event @Brightside in December, Night of Broadway in May, Rooftop Deck event @swift&co in October and 5k Run with Hunters World - end of April
2. Plan new events
3. Identify potential donors- neighbor associations, farmer’s markets and such
1. Attend all events
2. Setting up/attending all events
3. Farmers Markets
4. Neighborhood Association’s
1. Raise awareness and enthusiasm for YFoJC
2. Help build partnerships with businesses and organizations in the city
3. Identify the cities needs
1. Co-chair
2. Treasure
3. Secretary
4. Social Media
5. Event Planner
To be a member of the YFoJC’s Board, we ask that you:
1. Term of two years
2. Attend meetings bi-monthly @&co
3. Help/attend all events
4. Social Media
5. Seek opportunities