Team Wilderness Spring Break Crew
The Youth Foundation of Jersey City contributed money to take kids for spring break in April; we had a pizza party for them to hear about their experience.
Team Wilderness
The Youth Foundation recently partnered with Team Wilderness as part of their 2022 Spring Break Adventure Series.
Supporting the Ukraine
So grateful The Youth Foundation of Jersey City had the opportunity to support the Ukraine community at city hall
Our Work with Haven Respite
We supported Haven we gave them money to be spent directly on the kids.
A Thanks to Blue Foundry Bank
The Youth Foundation recently received a grant from the Blue Foundry Bank.
Supporting Educational Arts
The Youth Foundation of Jersey City is excited to continue our relationship with the Educational Arts Team. With the support of generous donors our contribution will help their EdArts Literacy Engagement and Family Literacy Workshops currently servicing over 7000 students.
Bambino Chef
During the holidays our amazing board members and volunteers packed donated food items to distribute to public school families. #holidayspirit